Non-invasive treatment of peripheral occlusive disease (pAVK) by antepulsation.
The occurrence of vascular diseases, such as peripheral occlusive disease (pAVD), is one of the main causes of leg amputations (in 87% of all cases). Worldwide, the number of pAVD patients has increased by 25% within a decade. While 164 million people suffered from PAOD in 2000, the number of people affected had already risen to 202 million by 2010. In addition, pAVD patients have up to a 60% increased risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. This makes research and development of medical devices urgently needed to reduce the amputation rate in patients with PAOD and subsequently improve the quality of life of these patients. For this purpose, the Brandenburg Medical School has for the first time developed a therapy concept that can non-invasively eliminate peripheral circulatory disorders and the associated pain patterns. ECG-guided leg cuffs and stimulation of collateral biological bypasses increase blood flow to the legs. The aim of the project is the technical validation of this therapy concept in PAOD patients. The utilization potential of this new pAVK therapy is very high and the therapy could subsequently be offered in regional treatment centers.